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...and old lace.

...and old lace.
...Sick. And I mean sick like you know you’re dying. In denial after the facts are presented to you you can’t even comprehend them. Like when you finally realize that your parents hadn’t done that great a job coddling and comforting you through your childhood. There’s a word for it in psychology. I’m dropping the ball on what it is now called. But for two birthdays in a row I woke up to the worst Sicknesses I would ever experience in my life. Or had till the till that day. I was throwing up all day long I had diarrhea all day long I couldn’t hold anything down. Took three or four days to finally flush out of me. Maryann thought it was such a shame that I got sick on all these important occasions, like my birthday two years in a row. Like going to Christmas at her parents house, or Thanksgiving at her uncles house. You think I Would add it all that up.
Six weeks after Maryann left me I went to my doctor, she chopped a bunch of hair out of my head and sent it in for analysis. When she got the reports back she would learn a really important lesson about contacting a patient with bad news...
I had a heavy amount of arsenic in my body...